João Pereira
Data Science Lead @ adidas

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
I work at adidas where I build scalable machine learning solutions in the cloud that enable better product discovery and deliver personalized experiences to millions of users across and App. My passion lies in building a culture of innovation, technical excellence, and where people feel empowered to be the best version of themselves. Most of the time, my focus is on transforming cutting-edge AI technologies into impactful products that elevate customer experiences and drive business growth.
Outside of work, I’m a fitness enthusiast, avid traveller, and a blogger.
Sep 22, 2023 | Our adidas X AWS paper on "Probabilistic Demand Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks" was presented at ECML-PKDD23'! |
Jun 20, 2023 | Published a new Medium article: “Fine-tune MPT-7B on Amazon SageMaker” |
Mar 20, 2023 | I joined the AWS weekly series Build on Generative AI. |
Mar 3, 2023 | My Medium article on “Fast and scalable hyperparameter tuning and cross-validation in AWS SageMaker” is out! |